Wednesday 23 September 2015

First week of university

This first week of university has been hectic to say the least and we're only half way through the week. I have met so many of my course mates, I've figured out that by the middle of the year half the girls will have problems with each other. The course tutors and staff are really nice and its very informal, much better than sixth form where you have to call every Mr, Ms or Miss. It's a relief to find someone on the course that is just as laid back in their attitude to life as I am. 
I miss my friends from sixth form big time, but I keep in contact with them any way that I can, this means that it is so much easier for to plan meet ups and discuss university. Out of my friends I am the one who is studying the furthest from home, everyone is two hours away in my friendship group, I'm five hours away from home. 
I have enrolment tomorrow at the university and then I can finally start doing the important things on the course, such as lectures and studio time for the course. 

I will write again soon, goodbye for now my readers. I will appear again soon.

Thursday 17 September 2015

Pre-university advice

Ok, so I moved into university halls a few days ago. Flat mates are great, the only thing is that the pre-reading that I'm doing is something akin to a migraine. full on nightmare at this stage, sustainability, found objects, details etc. The info is generally quite interesting however some of the stuff you have to skim through the find the relevant pieces of information that you will want is mind numbing. Now here is a quote from a famous person within the field (someone that I have never even heard of). I picked the degree that I'm doing to become a professional in that field but this is sort of insanity right now.

Now if you want to do primary education, do the degree because you want to, not because it is a 'easy' degree, there is no such thing as an easy degree otherwise it wouldn't be a degree that you spend three years buried in paperwork and fees.
When you start deciding what you want to do for your degree, think:
  • Where do I want to be ten years from now?
  • What interests me the most?
  • Will I be able to do this for another few years as a specialised subject?
  • Is this what I want to do?
When you start picking universities and courses, visit them, talk to the students on the course; they know what it is like to student that course. Don't be afraid to ask them questions, it helps you gage whether you want to be doing this course for 3-4 years (country dependent). Speak to everyone surrounding that course, the tutors, find out as much as you can. This often helps you to make an informed decision on if it is the right course for you.

Personal statements are the bane of a university applicants life, you have to get it right to sell yourself to the university to get onto the course, certain courses have certain requirements for the degree, make sure that you have them, certain A-level subjects are crucial to some courses. In your personal statement don't just talk about the degree you want to do, they already know what is being taught. Rather talk about your interests.
This was my unsolicited advice for today, so enjoy your day and have fun.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Books, books and more books

More books arrived today, ouch that will hurt the old shoulders carrying them.